It is the responsibility of the inmate or their attorney to make sure the inmate is ready for their day in court.
The Jail will accept one set of court clothing for an inmate during the week prior to their court date.
Court clothes may be dropped off Monday through Friday between 8 AM and 3 PM.
If inmate clothing must be brought to the Jail the week of trial, the clothing must be brought to the Jail by the inmate’s attorney or a representative from the attorney’s office. Clothing will not be accepted from the inmate’s family the week of trial.
A set of court clothing may consist of any of the following:
- 1 suit jacket
- 1 necktie
- 1 shirt (NO T-Shirts)
- 1 pair of pants (NO holes or tears)
- 1 pair of low-rise dress shoes (NO tennis shoes or boots accepted)
- 1 pair of dress socks
- 1 belt
No other clothing items will be accepted.
The person bringing in the clothing will be required to present identification and will be given a receipt for the clothing.
The clothing must be picked up within two weeks of the completion of the case for the current term of court. Clothing may be picked up on Monday through Friday between 8 AM and 3 PM.
Clothing will not be stored by the Jail from one term of court to the next. Clothing not picked up within two weeks will be disposed of.